No alcoholic beverages are permitted 24 hours prior to surgery.
Do not eat or drink ANYTHING (even water) EIGHT hours prior to surgery.
Any medication you have been instructed to take should be taken with a small sip of water, just enough to get the medication down.
Please be accompanied by a responsible adult who will be prepared to stay in the office during the procedure, then DRIVE YOU HOME and care for you the day of the surgery.
Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and be prepared to stay during the procedure.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing with short sleeves. No shorts. Eye make-up should be kept to a minimum. Contact lenses should not be worn to your appointment. If necessary, bring a case to place contact lenses in.
Good oral hygiene is essential for proper healing. Brush and floss your teeth, but do not swallow any water.
Please be prompt in order not to inconvenience other patients.
Prepare for a cool liquid to a soft diet for the first 24 hours. This can include ice cream, pudding, Jell-O, yogurt, applesauce and protein drinks. Ice bags will be necessary for the first 24 hours for swelling that may occur post-operatively.
Prior to your surgery, if there are any changes to your medical history, additional medications, or if you have any respiratory problems, please call our office.